Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting back on track!

I think I've finally crushed this cold! Horrible headaches over the weekend, but I grudged through them. I wanted to go walking today for an easy workout, but it was raining! We never get rain! There's always tomorrow. Need to start my P90X workouts again. I'm just starting where I left off, just skipping the days I missed.

I'm also excited to get ChaLEAN Extreme! I just ordered it, so once it gets here I will mix in a little ChaLEAN here and there with my P90X. Can't wait to get it!

I got a Nike plus today with new shoes, they are so comfortable. My old nikes were over 2 years old, with plenty of miles. I got the sportband because I don't have an Ipod. You just disconnect the screen from the wristband and plug it in to your USB it's awesome! I'll post more about it after my next walk. Hopefully I'll be able to go tomorrow.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting ready to workout!

I walked over 12 miles this week! I skipped YOGA X yesterday, but I'm still trying to get rid of this cold. I tried my new SHAPE UPS shoes for my 3 mile walk, it really stretched my legs, felt great.

Today is Legs/Back P90X! BRING IT!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Over 8 miles in 2 days!

I'm still trying to kick this cold, so I skipped my P90X plyo workout yesterday, but ended up walking 5-6 miles, so much for taking it easy!

Today I did an hour shoulders/arms P90X, plus walked over 3 miles and it's only 10am!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Before Pictures...

The dreaded "Before" Pics..... So, I thought I had a black bikini somewhere in my closet, but I can't find it. Off to wal-mart I went, and lo and behold found a super cheap itty bitty black bikini.

Ok, For starters, I want this before pic to really look dramatic, hence the itty bitty black bikini.
I'm pretty sure no one, but me and the photographer (my friend Ann Marie), will be seeing this awful dreaded Pre-P90x body until there is a Post-P90x body.

You never know, I may get brave and post it right away... so keep checking back!

P90X restart today!!!

That was a freakin awesome workout!!!! I completed the WHOLE thing!!! I modified the workout for my fitness level and made it through!

I don't have a pullup bar yet, so I used dumbbells instead of bands to do the modified pullups. I also did very few pushups, but focused on doing them correctly and quality versus quantity!

I didn't focus on keeping up with Tony and his crew, but I focused on improving myself from the last time!


Ab Ripper X this afternoon!! Can't wait!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


It's always important to set goals, with whatever you are trying to accomplish. For my weight loss journey I am setting some new goals, here they are!

1. Lose 10 pounds.

2. Gain lean muscle mass.

3. Finish P90x.

4. Fit into my size 4 jeans.

5. Help others achieve their goals!

The second most important thing when setting a goal is to plan a time line or goal date.

My goal date is April 15th, 2011, Paul's Birthday and Tax day! YIP YIP

Friday, January 14, 2011

This cold is kicking my butt

So the last two days I haven't done my workouts because I've had no energy and yesterday my nose got all stuffy and I have a sore throat. So no wonder I haven't had any energy, I am fighting a cold. The good news is I got my shakeology, so I am drinking them daily and hopefully they will kick this cold right out.

I did get in a 3 mile walk yesterday though.

I think since I missed so many workouts this week I will just restart p90x next week, when I'm feeling better.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Power 90 here I come...

Ok so I neglected to take the fit test before starting P90x. Thinking I'm a bad ass chick and I could just jump straight into P90X.... I was wrong. I should have started with Power 90. So my P90X Journey may just include a Power 90 Pre-P90X round.

I'm going to finish this week of P90x to get a feel for it. So far I've been able to complete about half of each workout. I'm sure if I keep going I will progress to be able to do the whole routines.

I'll let you know what happens...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just finished my first workout...

So I didn't get the p90x until late this afternoon. By then I was so tired I contemplated not even starting. I told myself to at least try it. So I did. I got about half way through. It was hard! I had to modify almost everything. For my fitness level I probably should have started with Power 90 or Slim in 6, but I wanted to be a big girl *LOL*. So I did the best I could for being already exhausted and doing a workout at 530 at night.

Tomorrow I start at 530, but this time AM, like it should be!!! I might even start at 5. I should be getting up around 4, hopefully not 2 like last night.

Delay... I hope not!

I am hoping to get P90X today to start. I may have to delay my start date until I get it. I also ordered Shakeology which should get here by friday. I can't sleep so here I am updating everyone on my progress, which hasn't really started.

Please share my blog with your friends! My goal is to get 100 followers in the next 10 days!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm not in the greatest shape, but I have been walking a lot lately. I try to walk at least 8-10 miles a week. Today I walked about 4 1/2 miles to the dollar store, the playground and back. Hopefully this conditioning will help when I start P90X!!!!

My first day of P90X I have to finish early, we have carpet cleaners coming! My goal is to start at 5:30 in the morning. That will give me a little over an hour to relax and have a cup of coffee or a protein shake, then get my workout done while the kiddos are sleeping.

My little alarm clock (the baby) usually wakes me up about 4:15 every morning, but she goes back to sleep after she has a snack. I stay up facebooking and gulping mass amounts of caffeine before I am a functioning human.

I'm also ordering Shakeology, it's the meal replacement from Beachbody. Blended with ice it's like a delicious chocolate shake. You can also mix it with other stuff for a variety of flavors. I love it plain though. Chocolate milkshakes are my favorite, but I can't stomach them very often because they are full of so much sugar. The Shakeology has that strong chocolate flavor and texture, but not all that yucky sugar. That's why I like it so much! It's more like desert to me than a meal replacement.

And... of course a shameless plug.... If you are reading this and are interested in being a coach or ordering P90x or Shakeology or any of the other beachbody work out programs let me know! I can help you choose a program to start and provide motivation and coaching to help you get in shape and reach your goals!

Getting Ready to start P90X on 1/10!

I've done a couple of the P90X workouts, and I've been wanting to start P90X for over a month now. I have decided to start on January 10th and Journal my experience here. I need your support and lots of followers!!! Share this blog with your friends!